Friday, August 6, 2010

Needs Some Love and Attention

It's time for some change. I have a website called Ivy Stitching that I have put an occasional blog type entry on. I also have a blog with a variety of fun stuff on it called Mom of 5 Daughters and then last of all I have this blog that has been totally neglected and is in need of my attention. So, here goes, a new look, a new post, and a new link from my website. This will take the place of the occasional website entry that I have done in the past.

Hopefully, my technology skills are up to snuff enough to have this all work correctly ;-)

I may be just having some good intentions at the moment, but I hope to include pictures and links and all kinds of good stuff in this blog, which will be quite a change for this blog and the one on my website.

Okay, I'm going to go check this out and see if it works!!!

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